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Surabaya, 4 Febuary 2025: In order to prepare students to go directly to the world of education, the S1 Catering Education Study Program organizes the Briefing Activities for students of 2022 who will follow the introduct

The Surabaya State University Culinary Education Undergraduate Study Program successfully held a guest lecture entitled "Excellent Service in the Education and Culinary Sector" on November 29 2024. The event, which was attended by more than 150 pa

The guest lecture on basic training in Indonesian cake processing in the Indonesian Cakes and Beverages course was held offline on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. in the showroom of Building A9, attended by participants of the 2023 Culinary

Adolescent Mental Health and Sexual Education: Keys to Improving Adolescent Well-Being and Knowledge
Surabaya, 6 December 2024, the Undergraduate Culinary Education Study Program held a guest lecture on IKK (Family Welfare Science) with a resource person, a child psychologist, writer, and mother of a child with special needs, namely Bony Dewayant

Student Mobility activities carried out by UNESA students in collaboration with students from Thailand, this activity is a cultural and skill learning in the form of making rawon and the procedure for eating rawon. the activity began by introducin

This guest lecture activity aims to improve the knowledge and skills of students who are programming the cake and pastry course. The guest lecture in the cake and pastry course invites resource persons or presenters from professional staff who are